APDT International

APDT Foundation Now Accepting 2018 Grant and Poster Proposals, Scholarship Applications  

The APDT Foundation is now accepting proposals for grants to conduct research in a field related to behavior analysis, ethology and cognition. There will be up to five grants awarded at $1,500. More information and a complete outline of the grant proposal process can be found at apdtfoundation.org/awards-and-grants/grants/. The deadline to submit a grant application is March 16.

The APDT Foundation is also inviting submissions for poster presentation proposals from the academic (faculty, students, and researchers) and professional (dog trainers, shelter staff, veterinary staff, etc.) communities for the APDT’s 25th Annual Conference in Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 17-20. Research posters should highlight research in topics relevant to dog behavior and training including preliminary results, completed studies, summaries of relevant published research (for which you are the author), and position papers. The aim of the poster session is to facilitate dissemination of research results to the broader community of dog training practitioners. Example topics of interest include (but are not limited to) behavioral studies, effectiveness studies (i.e., training protocols, training curricula, shelter management protocols, etc.), and business case studies. To apply or find additional information about poster sessions, please go to http://www.apdtfoundation.org/awards-and-grants/poster/ The deadline for submitting a poster application is March 16.

Individuals interested in submitting an application for the Blue-9 Working Dog Scholarship Program or the APDT Foundation Annual Conference Scholarship Program can find more information and applications at http://www.apdtfoundation.org/awards-and-grants/2018-scholarships/default.aspx. The deadline for submitting a scholarship application is April 25.

The 25th Annual Conference will be held Oct. 17-20 at the Memphis Cook Convention Center in Memphis, Tenn. The annual conference is one of the world’s largest continuing education events dedicated to professional dog training and is attended by hundreds of trainers, behaviorists, pet industry specialists and exhibitors. For more information about the annual conference, visit apdt.com/conference.