APDT International

Conference Keynote Speaker to Share Thoughts on “Sticky Situations”

Conference Keynote Speaker to Share Thoughts on “Sticky Situations” Dog trainers are often asked tough pet-related questions from friends, family and the community, and they’re counting on your advice to help. Join highly regarded professional dog trainer, Jean Donaldson when she shares her advice, “25 Scripts for Sticky Situations,” as she delivers the opening keynote […]

APDT Foundation Now Accepting 2018 Grant and Poster Proposals, Scholarship Applications  

APDT Foundation Now Accepting 2018 Grant and Poster Proposals, Scholarship Applications   The APDT Foundation is now accepting proposals for grants to conduct research in a field related to behavior analysis, ethology and cognition. There will be up to five grants awarded at $1,500. More information and a complete outline of the grant proposal process can […]

APDT Foundation Offers Three Members Scholarships to Richmond Conference

Mary Buck, Trudy Garvey and Elizabeth Maupin have been selected by the APDT Foundation Board as recipients of the APDT Foundation Annual Conference and Trade Show Scholarships for 2017. The scholarships allow APDT members to attend the conference who may not otherwise have the funds available to do so. The scholarship covers the registration fee […]

Kristine Hopkins is Named Blue-9 Pet Products Working Dog Scholarship Recipient

The Blue-9 Pet Products Working Dog Scholarship is awarded annually to a certified instructor of a working dog program, a handler of a certified working dog, or volunteer handler of a certified police, military, government agency, professional detection, or Search and Rescue K-9. The Blue-9 scholarship is handled through the Association of Professional Dog Trainers […]

APDT Awards 2017 Member of the Year

The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) will present Irith Bloom with the 2017 Member of the Year Award at the 24th Annual APDT Educational Conference and Trade Show in Richmond, Virginia, Oct. 18-21. The Member of the Year Award honors APDT members who have demonstrated outstanding commitment, passion and professionalism, and dedication for advancing […]

APDT Awards 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award

The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) will present Patricia McConnell with the Lifetime Achievement Award for her leadership and substantial volunteerism within the association during her 20 years of membership. The Lifetime Achievement Award honors APDT members who have made outstanding contributions to the association and the dog training industry throughout their careers. McConnell […]