APDT International

Nick Hof Becomes Chair of APDT Board of Directors in January

Nick Hof, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, KPA-CTP, CSAT, will take the reins of leadership from Megan Stanley on January 1 as Megan concludes her year as APDT Chair to transition to her next position as Immediate Past Chair. And in doing so, the board will say farewell to Robin Bennett, who leaves the board after having been elected in 2014 and then serving two years as APDT Chair from 2015-2017. Joining the board will be Sandy Modell of Alexandria, Virginia, who was elected to a 3-year term that also begins next month.

“I am very excited for the APDT in 2019,” Nick said. “We will be looking to strengthen our alliances with other leaders in our industry and use our position as the largest dog training association to continue steering our industry towards the progressive future of educated dog trainers and happy dogs. We are also excited to strengthen our community and the benefits they receive!”

Nick is the owner and trainer of Paws Look Listen, LLC, of Cincinnati, Ohio, offering in-home training. He believes having a good relationship with other trainers, both in his area and from afar, is an integral component of his business.  Nick works closely with both veterinarians and other animal professionals to ensure his clients receive the best service possible.

Earlier in his career, Nick has been fortunate to benefit from a wide variety of experience with animals, including repeated visits to Wolf Park in Indiana, teaching dog training classes at multiple dog daycare, boarding, and grooming facilities, and volunteering at a shelter to train dogs for increased adoptability.

Nick is particularly passionate about and skilled at working with large breed dogs, and reforming dogs who lunge, bark, or growl on leash at other dogs or people. He is owned by his Saint Bernards – Fezzik and Bennie – but Nick happily trains dogs of all sizes and likes helping people appreciate and enjoy their dogs more.