Choosing a Dog
We asked our members what type of dog or dogs they own, why they...
Choosing a Dog
Is a dog a good choice for your family? PDF Version Here are some...
Choosing a Dog
Special Considerations for Choosing a Rescue/Shelter Dog There are always many factors to consider...
Choosing a Dog
If you’re interested in a more unusual dog breed, are certain that you want...
Choosing a Dog
When you bring a new dog into your home, you might be a little...
Choosing a Dog
Two Dogs or Not Two Dogs? That is the Question! Living with multiple dogs can...
Choosing a Dog
What to Consider When Selecting a Dog for a Family with Children Age and...
Becoming a Trainer
The following is a list of resources for anyone who aspires to be a...
Choosing a Trainer
Once you’ve done your homework and found a trainer that you like, what happens...
Choosing a Trainer
1. What do Rewards Have to do with it? It’s poetic to think that...
Choosing a Trainer
With the wide variety of dog trainers available and the differing skills and educational...
Choosing a Trainer
Collars & Harnesses Collars and harnesses serve several purposes: 1) They can provide important...